“This is indeed a useful book on time management for the young, elderly and especially students and professionals. I especially liked the chapter- Time Management For Daily Routine.” Dr. A.P.J Abdul
About Dr. Vijay Agrawal
An eminent author and a prolific orator, Dr. Vijay Agrawal has motivated young and old alike to bring out the best in them. His discourses on Life-Management have won him laurels from across the nation; whereas more than 80 books emanating from his pen have earned him adoration of countless readers. A man of letters, he uses his words judiciously. Still, more than his words, it is the power of his faith that touches the core of one’s soul, and stimulates the mind through its guts.
Dr. Agrawal is no soothsayer and certainly not a God-man. In fact he is one amongst us, yet the one who could take his misfortunes head-on to shape his own destiny. Hailing from a village in Chhatisgarh state of India, he started his livelihood as a shop-keeper, but rose to become a lecturer and ultimately a civil servant. And so he has much to share and much more to give. His speeches are sermons to the depressed and the distracted. Dr Vijay Agrawal endeavors to provide ‘sails’ to fellow travelers, who are taking their journey through the River of Life, lest their boat capsizes or they are thrown away by the ‘currents’. His experiences in life far and wide – have taught him that the Road to Success can be covered through Time Management and that the Key to Happiness lies in Life Management, as he prefers to call it.(Read more…)
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